Stuck on the design process of your landscape project?

It’s all too frequent we receive phone calls from clients that they have an image in their head of what they would like their project to look like but they are just unsure of the logistics and how a project ties in simultaneously.

Our clients have engaged a landscape designer and we suggest this point of action, as nothing beats a quality project executed by a professional–they are also very detailed. However, this isn’t always an option for everybody as a superb landscape designer can occasionally come with a substantial price tag. Specifically if you’re wanting to make changes along the way.

- The first point of recommendation we always request our clients to do is to get on our Instagram or Pinterest and find ideas of what you like. This could be the colour of the sandstone, the garden layout, where paths lead… the internet is infinite with inspirational ideas!

- Our second point of recommendation to clients is to get out a spray and mark paint can and spray out some lines on the ground (on the dirt/grass of course!). This helps with getting your ideas out of your head and putting them out into the real world. This also gives you a chance to stand back and visualize if the purposed designs may clash with anything existing on your property.

- Request a site inspection with a qualified landscaper. Now that you have your inspirational ideas in mind and potential measurements and positions of the landscaping plan, you can engage a licensed and qualified landscaper. Key word: licensed and qualified. Why? Because they will be educated on your local council rules of what you can and can’t do without approvals. If you happen to need approvals, a great landscaper should be able to steer you into the right direction of a reliable structural engineer and private certifiers.

- Hot tip: when engaging a landscaper question how long they’ve been in their trade. This will give you a good idea of how much experience they have. Engaging a landscaper with minimal experience may limit your potential for gaining ideas for the space. An experienced and confident landscaper should be able to bounce ideas off the top of their head to you so that you can find the best possible fit for your space.

- Aesthetics are a preference. What you may find flattering may not seem so to others – and that’s okay! So it’s important when engaging a trade they understand your point of view and the end product goal!

If you need any inspiration, head on over to our Instagram Supreme_Sandstone where you can scroll until your heart’s content.

Please remember: We always recommend getting your hard landscaping completed by a licensed tradesperson who holds appropriate qualifications, insurances and warranty. Don’t short change yourself!


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